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Using Your Ad Budget In An Economic Slowdown

May 15, 2023 | Recruiting

In today's economy, many carriers are feeling the pinch of an economic slowdown, especially with respect to current rates. While some organizations respond by cutting back their recruitment budgets, we recommend strategically utilizing that budget to ensure a strong market position when freight rates and volumes inevitably cycle back up. We even have some tips on how to get started.

Manage Your Database

Your database is one of your most valuable recruitment resources. It contains valuable information about potential drivers and can be a great asset when it comes to targeting the right fit for your organization. Take some time to ensure your records are up to date. This will also help you verify whether your recruitment campaigns are reaching the right people. 


Continue Your Branding Campaigns

It can be tempting to cut back on branding campaigns. But not so fast! These campaigns determine your market visibility and keep you in the minds of potential candidates. Invest in campaigns that keep your brand front and center and make sure you benefit from a tailwind rather than take on a headwind like many companies did in 2020.   

Invest in Recruiter Training

A well-trained recruitment team is essential for capturing and retaining top drivers. Recruiter training can help ensure your team is equipped to attract the best candidates possible. You'll need quick action when the job market finally picks up, and this puts you in a strong position when it does.

By following these tips, you'll remain competitive during this economic slowdown while better positioning yourself to take advantage of your next big upswing. 

For leaders looking to make the most of their recruitment budget, our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you maximize your company's growth while protecting your bottom line, even in an economic slowdown.

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