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Behind The Works: Lauren Lehman

July 07, 2022 | Behind the Works

Welcome to Behind the Works, our series highlighting some of the folks at Ramsey MediaWorks! 

A top-shelf recruitment marketing agency is only as good as its people and we have the best in the business. Through these articles, you’ll get a chance to better know our staff and what they do – from the placement team, to management, to the creative department. 

So without any further ado, let’s meet this entry’s subject!

What is your name?

Lauren Lehman

What is your job title?

I’m Director of Key Accounts.

What does a Director of Key Accounts do?

I work with clients who have very specialized needs and fast-paced turnaround expectations. I guide these projects from start to finish, coordinating between the client and the rest of our team. This includes digital ad buying portfolios, reporting, analytics, business analysis and whatever else can help their recruitment efforts. Since it's highly specialized, the needs vary greatly depending on the client.

I communicate with the client, organize everything, and then work with our team to execute the client’s needs.

These are requests that are a little outside the box of what we normally do?

Some of our clients have very complex needs based on particular types of ads in particular markets and so on.

How long have you been working at Ramsey MediaWorks?

I just had my eight-year anniversary in May.

How has your role developed over the years?

I actually started doing newspaper placement. We had a big need for that in certain markets. The Monday after I graduated from college, I started here because I needed an internship to fulfill my graduation requirements.

After newspaper placement, I learned how to place radio buys and billboard buys. Eventually I moved into a placement role, which taught me the foundation of how we do things overall. Later I moved into more of an account representative position, working directly with our clients. I also worked in our specialties role, creating print and apparel items.

You’ve been all over.

After I did that, I moved into working on more specialized client needs, which is what I’m doing now.

In eight years, what are some major shifts and trends you’ve noticed in the industry?

Whenever I first started, a lot of what we did in trucking was so heavy in traditional media, such as newspapers, billboards, tons of radio. We were just starting to get into the more digital world. 

Now that has been completely flipped. We recommend the older media buys mostly as brand-building pieces to get your name and presence out there, not so much to drive conversions. That’s definitely been the biggest shift.

Do you have any cherished Ramsey MediaWorks memories?

I have some really funny ones, but we’re not going to share those.

Have you won any of our office trophies?

Jimi and I entered one of the chili contests, but I got last place and I don’t lose well. I think I might have won one of our ugly sweater contests years ago.

Did you even know there was a contest that day?

(Lauren burns me with the white-hot intensity of her glare)

The main thing is how this place truly feels like a second home, thanks to all the friends I’ve made working here. Todd and Julie make everyone feel like family.

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