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Why Can’t I See My Google Ads?

October 25, 2021 | Communication

Where Are My Ads!?

So you set up a marketing campaign that utilizes ad buys on the almighty Google platform. Once it kicks off, you decide to fire up the computer and check to see how it’s doing. And you find… nothing.

That can’t be right. You spent all this money, sat through meetings, read so many Powerpoints. Now the day has come and the ad is nowhere to be found?

It’s not what it looks like, we promise. Here are some reasons why you might not be seeing your marketing efforts reflected in your personal Google search results:

You’re A Regular Here

If you visit your company pages frequently, Google will classify you as a regular user and will not place the ads on the first page, since you already have high awareness of the brand. 

Pro Tip: If you are advertising in your home market but want to exclude your corporate office, utilize an “IP Exclusion” in your ad.

You’re Not Acting Like a Targeted Audience Member

You may also stop seeing ads if you click the link, but don’t complete the full application or short form. Since the campaign’s goal is conversion, Google will not consider you a serious candidate.

You Seem Disinterested in the Content

If you perform searches to trigger your ads, you'll accumulate impressions without clicks, which can lower your clickthrough rate and prevent your ad from appearing as often as it should. Google may assume you aren’t interested and stop showing you the ads entirely.

Pro Tip: Find your ads by looking into your Google Ads account, which can show you all your live ads.

You’re Eating Up the Funds

Google Ads also displays your ads as often as possible while staying within your daily budget. When the budget limit is reached, your ads will typically stop showing for that day.

Pro Tip: Consider conserving your budget by “Day Parting” your ads. This is like putting office hours on when your ads appear.

You’re in the Wrong Spot

Location also plays a part. All location-targeted Google ads use a radius around specific locations, which ensures budget is not wasted on searchers in irrelevant areas. If someone in Alabama tries to find an ad for driver jobs in Florida, they will not be shown the ad because they are not in the Google campaign’s designated location.

Find Out What We Can Do For You

We’d love the opportunity to talk to you. Let’s set up a time to chat.

Ramsey MediaWorks may contact me regarding marketing opportunities.
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