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What We Learned At The 2022 AWS Summit

September 01, 2022 | RMW Capabilities

Last week, several Ramsey MediaWorks representatives left our office, got on a plane, and attended the 2022 AWS Summit in Chicago. We missed them greatly. 

While AWS might not mean much to the everyday person, it’s an Amazon event, which means everything discussed there will likely have some effect on you, whether you realize it or not.

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, so as you might expect, Ramsey MediaWorks was there in a specifically tech-based capacity. In fact, our entire web development team attended. These folks represent the backbone upon which Ramsey MediaWorks rests, so having them all out of the office was a pretty big deal. We were completely bereft of people who tell us to restart our computers when something goes wrong.

But they learned a lot on their journey! Since the rest of us are too technologically challenged to make sense of it, we’ll let them reveal their findings in their own words:

Meghan Miller - Director of Interactive & Web Development

AWS was a great experience. Not only did we do some super fun team building, eat yummy food, ride bikes/scooters around downtown Chicago, and visit historic landmarks – we also got to learn together.

The AWS Chicago Summit previewed some new AWS tools, showed us how to better utilize the tools we already have, and taught us some super secret tips on how Amazon structures their teams and their code. All-in-all it was a beautiful success!

Tevin Richardson - Web Developer

I learned and understood more on how data can be managed and presented to boost production.

Andrew Cummings - Web Developer

It was a great opportunity to get hands-on experience with technology we will soon be using on a daily basis.

Nathan Horton - VP of Creative Services

Our clients' businesses move faster than ever, and they rely on real-time data access and integrity. It was a great opportunity for our team to learn how to better leverage AWS to provide powerful and efficient solutions for our clients.

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