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We’re a Google Premier Partner. It’s a pretty big deal.

January 16, 2017 | Online Advertising | RMW Capabilities

Desk plaque indicating Ramsey MediaWorks is a Premier Google Partner.

Last year, Google boosted our ego status from Partner to Premier Partner

Besides dollars spent, the higher rank recognizes the number of Google certifications our folks have earned and the gains we’ve made in campaign performance. It also provides access to exclusive training and support to keep us sharp.

Bottom line, it’s a pretty big deal and elite status.

So elite, in fact, that Google won’t let us say just how elite it is (it’s confidential, and there’s a secret handshake involved). But rest assured, we haven’t let it go to our heads, as is evident from the photos below.

To signify our new status, Google sent a plaque and a glass award.

Thanks, Google!

Wall plaque indicating Ramsey MediaWorks is a Premier Google Partner.

We’re proud of our Google-certified employees: Meghan, Tara, and Penney.

Aren’t they lovely!

Google certified employees around the Google Premier Partner desk plaque.

Their shared achievement is a real honor.

And a heavy one, too. Seriously, that thing is a brick.

Close-up of the Google Premier Partner desk plaque.

But they don’t just share it.

They hold onto it really tightly so it doesn’t get lost or damaged.

Google certified Ramsey MediaWorks employees grabbing tightly the Google Premier Partner desk plaque.

Obtaining the certification and status was something they really had to strain and reach for.

Google certified Ramsey MediaWorks employees reaching upwards for the Google Premier Partner desk plaque.

But pushing hard for your goals pays off.

At least, it did for Tara.

Tara took the Google Premier Partner desk plaque for herself!

Tara showing off the Google Premier Partner desk plaque.

Because everyone felt such strong ownership for the award, we put it on display where all could enjoy it.

A display case with a no-touch sign protecting the Google Premier Partner desk plaque.

Since then, we’ve observed subtle, yet noticeable signs of pride throughout the office.

Several images of Ramsey MediaWorks employees showing off their Google Premier Partner status.

But ultimately, the new status didn’t change us.

It simply recognized who we’d already become.

Ramsey MediaWorks road sign replaced with a Google Premier Partner road sign.

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