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We Adobe’d To The MAX

October 25, 2022 | RMW Capabilities

It's been three long years since Adobe enjoyed the privilege of revealing their new tricks and treats live before an in-person audience. As might be expected after such a long wait, the energy at AdobeMAX 2022 was straight-up electric. 

But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

For those who don't know, AdobeMAX is an annual convention put on by – who else? – Adobe. Its marquee purpose is to educate thousands of professionals on how much easier their lives are about to become thanks to all the cool new features Adobe developed over the past twelve months. Attendees also enjoy a glimpse of ideas and capabilities brewing for the year ahead. Adobe loves to celebrate the present while teasing the future, and since this was the 20th AdobeMAX, they even had a little time for the past.

Of course, such pursuits can hardly fill up three days. The rest of your time is spent attending a bevy of sessions hosted by various industry stalwarts. These sessions might teach you advanced techniques in a program you use daily. Or perhaps you’ll find a beginner's course on a program you'd like to explore back home. You might even sit in on a session that simply discusses a particular topic. The choices vary enough to ensure everyone can find something to do.

Which is exactly what we did. Last week, Ramsey MediaWorks traveled to Los Angeles, USA to enjoy a front-row seat – okay, off to the side a little – for all the festivities Adobe could throw at us. Now we're back to share what we found. Starting with… me!

Evan Saathoff - Copywriter

I loved having a chance to attend AdobeMAX and meet so many people who work in my field. You wouldn't think a copywriter could find much use for an Adobe event, but that was not the case at all. For instance, I attended not one but two sessions dedicated to the psychological influence various typefaces can have on readers, something I’ve never considered and will now think about in every task I do.

Jimi Adams - Director of Creative Services

Whether it's a brand new piece of tech or something you've overlooked in the Adobe universe, you always come home from MAX with new time-saving techniques. This year, Adobe Express stole the show for me. It's a tool that makes design more accessible for the masses while providing features that increase productivity even for seasoned designers.

Laci Cantrell - Graphic Designer

My favorite part of AdobeMAX was learning TONS of helpful tips and tricks for the programs I use on a daily basis – and picking up some new motion design skills along the way. Plus, immersing myself among thousands of other designers was such a fun experience!

Meghan Miller - Director of Interactive & Web Development

This was my second time going to AdobeMAX, and it did not disappoint! We enjoyed two days of learning, connecting, celebrating, and eating yummy food. 

My favorite takeaway was the importance of embracing remote work culture and finding ways to help it fuel your impact. Impact was defined as: Idea + Execution = Impact. 

Building a great work culture within my team helps fuel our ideas. Trusting my team empowers them to execute tasks with precision and excellence. This leads to a greater impact of what we do here on the RMW Web Team. 

I can't wait to try all the fun new things I learned and impact our space even more!

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