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The RMW Office Expansion Begins!

March 15, 2023 | RMW Office

All businesses aim for growth. But when your staff grows, it can get a little crowded. We started facing this issue last year. After investigating local real estate, we decided not to move to a new location but to expand the one we already have.

2023 will be quite a year for us as a result. We’ll be working amongst the construction for a big chunk of it, which is very exciting! Also a little loud. But it’s been so exciting coming to work each day and seeing a little more progress than the day before. We gaze out the window at an expanse of rubble and daydream about how that will one day be where we hold our annual chili cook-offs.

When the dust clears, we’ll have an expanded kitchen area, a second conference room, and office space for a small army of new employees, all of whom we’ll need in the coming years. 

All businesses aim for growth. Often that growth is figurative. For us, that growth has become literal. 

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