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Meet Our New Vice President Of Operations!

May 17, 2023 | Behind the Works

Things are happening at Ramsey MediaWorks! On the eve of our big office remodel, we also learned about a huge and well-deserved promotion for longtime co-worker Penney Moore. We spoke to Penney about her new job and what it means for the future of RMW.

First off, what is your new job title?

Vice President of Operations

What was your old title?

Director of Client Services

That sounds like a significant promotion! What are some of your new duties?

Some of my additional job responsibilities include developing and executing ongoing training programs for the CSS and Digital teams, working to recommend and build programs that provide increased agency credibility (i.e. certifications), vetting new client sources, helping to make business operations more efficient, and assisting with new company products.

Wow, that’s a lot! How long have you been with Ramsey MediaWorks?

It will be 9 years in August.

What aspects of RMW’s future are you most excited about?

I'm excited that we're heading into a season of growth, and where that's going to take us. We're testing out new products and implementing training programs for our staff that will not only help them in business but in their personal lives as well. 

We're also building onto processes that focus on customer service and so much more. I went on maternity leave at the end of 2022 and when I came back six weeks later, I was amazed how much our company had progressed during such a short time period. That's encouraging to me about the direction we are going, and I can't wait to reflect on these changes next year. The building expansion is also very exciting, and I look forward to utilizing our new space!

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