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Listening – A Lost Art: How Recruiters Can Improve the Hiring Process

September 16, 2024 | Recruiting

By Jeremy May


  Jeremy May

  VP of Client Services




In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, we often forget the simple yet profound impact of genuine human connection. One area where this oversight is particularly evident is in the recruitment process. Too often, recruiters fall into the trap of robotically reciting job requirements, pay scales, and benefits, neglecting the most crucial aspect of their role – listening to their applicants. 

Let's explore how embracing the lost art of listening can revolutionize the hiring process and create meaningful connections that benefit both recruiters and candidates.

The Current State of Recruitment

The recruitment process has become increasingly transactional. With the advent of automated application systems and standardized interview scripts, recruiters can process more candidates than ever before. However, this efficiency comes at a cost. Many candidates feel like just another number, a checkbox on a recruiter's list. This approach not only alienates potential hires but also prevents recruiters from truly understanding the unique value each candidate brings to the table.

The Power of Listening

Listening is more than just hearing words; it's about understanding the person behind those words. When recruiters take the time to actively listen, they gain insights into a candidate's motivations, aspirations, and values. This deeper understanding allows recruiters to:

Match Candidates with the Right Roles: By listening to what candidates are truly looking for, recruiters can better align their strengths and interests with the right positions. This leads to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

Build Stronger Relationships: Candidates who feel heard and understood are more likely to view the recruiter – and the company – in a positive light. This fosters trust and loyalty, which can lead to referrals and a stronger talent pipeline.

Identify Potential Red Flags: Listening attentively can reveal potential issues that might not be apparent through scripted questions. Understanding a candidate's concerns or hesitations early on can help address them before they become deal-breakers.

Enhance Candidate Experience: A recruitment process that values listening stands out in a crowded job market. Candidates are more likely to recommend a company where they feel genuinely heard, improving the company's employer brand.

Practical Tips for Recruiters

So, how can recruiters cultivate better listening skills? Here are some practical tips:

Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage candidates to share their stories, experiences, and goals by asking open-ended questions. Instead of asking "Do you have experience with X?", try "Can you tell me about a time when you worked on X?"

Practice Active Listening: Show candidates that you are engaged by summarizing their responses, and maintaining eye contact if in person.  Avoid interrupting and give them space to fully express their thoughts. For those of you conducting conversations over the phone, don’t discount the fact “motion” creates “emotion”. So move about, use hand gestures and become fully engaged. 

Follow Up on Responses: Demonstrate that you are listening by following up on what candidates say. If they mention a particular achievement or challenge, delve deeper to understand the context and significance.

Create a Comfortable Environment: Make candidates feel at ease by creating a relaxed and welcoming conversation. This can help them open up and share more authentically which in turn helps you better qualify them. 

Be Present: In a world full of distractions, being fully present is a rare and valuable skill. Put away your phone, close unnecessary tabs, and give candidates your undivided attention. They will notice and respond accordingly. 

Listening may be a lost art, but it is one that recruiters can and should revive. Technology can certainly help us recruit, but it’s not going to replace listening anytime soon for a position that requires a human. By prioritizing listening over robotic recitations of job details, recruiters can forge genuine connections, better understand their candidates, and ultimately make more informed hiring decisions. In doing so, they not only enhance the candidate experience but also contribute to a more human-centric and effective recruitment process. So, let's put down the scripts and start listening – our candidates, and our companies, will thank us for it.

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