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Engineering Recruitment Marketing That Works

May 06, 2024 | RMW Capabilities

By Doug Smith


 Doug Smith

 Director of Client Relations




“Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it.” - Sir Henry Royce, an English Engineer, and Co-Founder of Rolls-Royce.


Last month, I had the privilege of representing Ramsey MediaWorks at the Annual East Tennessee “Big Rigs for Little Kids” Golf Tournament fundraiser. While golf isn't exactly my forte, I always relish the opportunity to connect with new people in the midst of the game. This time around, I was paired up with Jeff and Carleton from Skyline Transportation, along with Jeff’s son, Tyler—a spirited student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (yep - Go VOLS!).

As our round commenced, the customary introductions unfolded: names, occupations, and the inevitable small talk. Yet, amidst these initial pleasantries, our conversation swiftly veered towards more substantial topics — a transition I recently explored in a blog post. It was during this exchange that I discovered Tyler's — now in his third year of study — passion for mechanical engineering. His ability to dissect and improve upon existing systems left me truly intrigued and showed why he was exceeding us in his golf game, too.

Throughout the day, our dialogue evolved, prompting me to reflect on the parallels between Tyler's engineering mindset and our work as recruiting professionals. At Ramsey MediaWorks, we're committed to enhancing the recruitment process for both employers and candidates alike. Through innovative approaches to using Programmatics and the implementation of tools for swifter responses and applicant engagement, we've revolutionized our service offerings. Our dedication to data-driven decision-making empowers clients to optimize their hiring strategies in real-time, ultimately driving down costs per hire.

Wondering how we apply this "mechanical engineering" approach? Reach out, and let's dive into a conversation.

As Sir Henry Royce said, if the solution doesn't exist yet? Well, let's roll up our sleeves and build something remarkable together.

* Since the program’s inception in 1989, the Tennessee Big Rigs for Little Kids Golf Classics have become a rousing success. The event has grown in size and scope as more than 2.3 million dollars has been raised for children’s charities in Tennessee and the TTF Scholarship Fund.

 Thanks to all who worked so hard to make sure these events were better than ever and to those who signed up to play and sponsor! Your generosity of participating in these events has helped support the Nashville Ronald McDonald House, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, Shriners Alhambra Temple Transportation Fund, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and the TTF Scholarship Fund.

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Ramsey MediaWorks may contact me regarding marketing opportunities.
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