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Behind The Works: Nikia Stewart

July 18, 2023 | Behind the Works

Welcome to Behind the Works, our series highlighting some of the folks at Ramsey MediaWorks! 

Today we’re chatting with our Manager of Client Optimizations, Nikia Stewart.

Good morning, Nikia! We'll start with an easy one. What is your current job title? 

My current job title is Manager of Client Optimizations.

How long have you been working with Ramsey MediaWorks? 

I recently celebrated my six-year anniversary.

You’ve been at it for a while! Have you held the same job title that whole time? 

I have not. Originally, I was hired as a CSS [Customer Service Specialist], then my role transitioned into including Account Representative duties. A year ago, I received a promotion to my current position.

Can you describe your role as Manager of Client Optimizations?

I offer optimization mentorship, performance improvement, and metric comprehension for client advertising campaigns. I am also responsible for identifying keyholes in vendor processes while researching and bringing best-in-class industry practices to the table. Meanwhile, I manage our CSS team.

It sounds like you have a lot of responsibilities! What aspect of your position do you enjoy most?

Mostly the variety of work it brings. Each day presents me with different challenges that allow me to thrive while further developing my contributions to the company’s growth. That makes my day, every day.

What industry changes have you noticed in the last six years?

The great thing about our industry is that it constantly evolves and will continue to do so. Obviously, the pandemic accelerated change on top of that due to carrier acquisitions, mergers, and bankruptcies. Carriers often tinker with moving or expanding operations to hit new hotbeds for savings and talent pools. 

The biggest change relates to efficiency. While always crucial, efficiency has become a major focal point in industry conversations. From talent acquisition to software adoption, everyone is looking to increase the efficiency of their operations and streamline trucks with smart technology.

What are some of your favorite memories of working at RMW?

I am blessed to work at a place with a great and friendly culture, so I have an abundance of memories, particularly from our seam-busting food days and our friendly but highly competitive cook-offs.

One of my fondest memories doesn’t have anything to do with food, though. It’s from when we went on a field trip to a local truck show. Todd [Ramsey] walked us through and shared his vast pool of industry knowledge. I was still pretty green at the time, so it was an informative experience that I still cherish.

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