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Behind The Works: Doug Smith

January 10, 2024 | Behind the Works

First off, it’s nice to meet you! Let’s start with an easy one: what is your official job title?

I am the Director of Client Relations.

Okay, great! What all does that job entail?

I focus on cultivating new relationships with prospective clients and nurturing those we already have. I’m also helping to get the Ramsey MediaWorks name out there a bit more at tradeshows, conferences, and similar events. 

So you’ll be traveling around a lot. Are you bringing your own strategies to the table?

I am, but it’s also a very collaborative effort between myself, Matt Lee (VP Sales), and Jeremy May (VP Client Services). Kind of a three-headed dragon of client outreach.

Can you describe your professional background?

Sure! I come to Ramsey from Covenant Logistics, which is the largest team carrier in the country. I worked there for seven years. My most recent role was overseeing Covenant’s student recruiting program and roughly 400 school partnerships.

I also was in charge of oversight on Covenant’s communication and creative teams. And way back in the beginning, I was brought on to help their corporate talent development. 

What brought you here?

Seasons changed at Covenant and I happened to meet Jeremy May at the right time. It kind of just started from there and rolled into this. It’s been awesome so far.

As you’re gathering first impressions, has anything jumped out as unique about Ramsey MediaWorks, or special about what we do here?

It’s all about relationships. It’s a very, very client-focused business. As Matt Lee says, “We’re never too big for our smallest customer,” and that sticks with me. It’s not about conquering the world but instead making sure everyone gets the highest quality effort from our team. 

But I’m also impressed by watching this team work together. Ramsey has a strong internal focus, knowing that if the internal team is successful, everything else will follow. Not a lot of companies have that.

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