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Behind The Works: Brandy Estell

September 27, 2022 | Behind the Works

Welcome to Behind the Works, our series highlighting some of the folks at Ramsey MediaWorks! 

A top-shelf recruitment marketing agency is only as good as its people and we have the best in the business. Through these articles, you’ll get a chance to better know our staff and what they do – from the placement team, to management, to the creative department. 

Today we’re talking to none other than Brandy Estell!

First off, what is your current job title?

I am Ramsey MediaWorks’ Digital Media Manager.

Can you tell us what that job is? What is your day-to-day role?

I was recently promoted to this position, and it means I am in charge of all our in-house products. So that’s our Facebook, Google, Programmatic. It also includes things like TikTok, Spotify, Linkedin, and all other social media sites we use for advertising.

I basically oversee all of that. But I don’t personally run it all. I have a team of people who do that. I overlook the process and then help them out when I can.

How recently did you receive this promotion?

About three months ago.

How long have you been working for Ramsey MediaWorks?

November will be five years!

How has your role developed over those five years?

Predominantly, I was working with Facebook before my promotion. Over the years, Facebook has changed and developed quite a bit, requiring a lot more creativity on our part to make sure we target the audiences our clients want. So no matter what, I’m always learning new ways to accomplish our goals.

What do you enjoy most about working here?

Well, just recently we had a birthday celebration for two of our teammates that included Chick-fil-A breakfast and donuts. Things like that really make my day, and we have days like that all the time.

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