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Addressing the Demand for “More Apps” in Recruiting

September 09, 2024 | Marketing and Advertising

By Doug Smith


 Doug Smith

 Director of Client Relations




If you've ever led a talent acquisition campaign, you’ve probably heard the same thing over and over:

“We need more apps!”

“Can we get more apps?”

“I just NEED more apps!”

It’s like a broken record. While asking for more candidates isn't totally wrong, chasing more applications for the sake of numbers isn’t always the best approach. The good news is there are ways to address this without completely dismissing the concern. Here are three strategies we feel can help keep everyone happy without just flooding inboxes with more applications and resumes.

1. Use Pre-Qualifying Tools to Target the Right People

Getting more applications isn’t the hard part — it’s getting the RIGHT ones. Pre-qualifying tools can help make sure you're attracting candidates who are actually a fit for the role, which means fewer (but better quality) applications.

Targeted Marketing

Rather than posting your job ad everywhere and hoping the right people see it, focus on targeting the right people from the get-go. You can use platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or Google Ads to be super specific about who sees your job posting. Fewer random applicants, more of the good ones.

Knock-Out Questions

Adding knock-out questions early in the process can help you filter out the candidates who clearly don’t fit. These questions could cover things like certifications, endorsements, experience levels, or availability. It helps narrow the pool early, so you’re not wasting time on unqualified applicants, and your team won't feel like they need “more apps”.

2. Tap Into the Goldmine You Already Have (Your ATS)

Ever said, “We’ll keep your resume on file and reach out if something comes up”? Yeah, most people have, but here’s the kicker — almost nobody actually does it. Your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is FULL of potential talent, and it’s time to put that to use.

Revisit Old Applications

Digging through your old candidate files is a smart way to find people who were great but maybe not the right fit at the time. Chances are, some of those folks could be exactly what you're looking for now. They've already shown interest in your company, so reaching out will likely get a good response.

Follow Up for Real

How many candidates have been told “We’ll keep your resume on file” and never heard from the company again? Probably most. Don’t be that company. Make it a point to actually keep track of past applicants and reach out when the right opportunity opens up. It’s not just good for your recruitment pipeline, but it also shows candidates that you genuinely value them.

3. Have Real, Honest Conversations with Your Hiring Managers

One of the biggest reasons people cry for “more apps” is that recruiters and hiring managers aren’t on the same page. Regular, honest check-ins with your operational teams can clear up a lot of confusion and stop the need for more apps before it even starts.

Eliminate Confusion

Frequent meetings between recruiters and hiring managers help remove gray space. These meetings allow both sides to stay aligned on expectations, role requirements, and what’s truly important. When everyone’s on the same page, you don’t need to rely on a flood of new applications to fix communication gaps.

Adapt on the Fly

Recruiting is rarely, if ever, a straight line. Priorities and job requirements change all the time. By keeping open lines of communication, you can adjust course quickly without having to toss a million new resumes into the mix. Instead, you focus on what’s needed right now and pivot as things change.

The Bottom Line

The call for “more apps” is often more about quality than quantity. By targeting the right candidates, making use of your existing talent pool, and staying in close touch with your hiring managers, you can cut down the need for endless applications and still deliver the results everyone wants.

Need another set of eyes? Let us know if you would like to talk through any of the tips above and how Ramsey MediaWorks can assist in implementing these to help silence the cries for more. 

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