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A Recruiting Friend Indeed

April 09, 2024 | Recruiting

By Doug Smith


 Doug Smith

 Director of Client Relations




When a candidate puts their name in the hat for a position you have posted, they are really looking for a solution to a problem they’re facing in the present – it could be pay, home time, work hours, or even just a sense of appreciation for the job they do every day. They saw your ad and hope your company can solve whatever it is they are looking for.

People make decisions, especially big ones, based on trust and confidence. That’s true of everything - restaurants, vehicle purchases, new computers, etc. And it also happens to include… where we go to work. This is why we look at Google Reviews, Social Media, and job sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn. We reach out to friends, people, or institutions we respect for their insight and advice.

Our goal as professional recruiters is to quickly develop that trust with our candidates. When the trust is there, we likely become the candidate’s choice as the solution to their problem.

But that’s not always how things turn out. Though we want to feel like our company is the ultimate solution for everyone, that simply may not be the case in every instance. And that’s ok. We must remember that being committed to honest and supportive information may result in revealing that we are not a fit for what the candidate seeks. It might just be our role to give advice or provide an alternate pathway in pursuit of a solution. 

Personally, I like to refer to this as “The Gimbel’s Rule” in reference to the classic film Miracle on 34th Street in which a Macy’s Santa shares that Gimbel’s, a competitor, has the toy that a mother is unable to find at Macy’s.

Our role as recruiters, or “Career Advisors”, is to help. When we say, “maybe try Gimbel’s”, candidates develop trust in us and confidence that we are offering a solution, even one they didn’t expect – and that makes you memorable for their next season.

If we can help you with any of your recruitment marketing strategies please reach out – we're here to help you succeed.

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